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2022 National Meeting Re-Cap / Fort Lauderdale

Letter from the President

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to each of you who participated in the 2022 Vision National Meeting in Fort Lauderdale. We had 78 attendees that took time out of their schedules to join us and help make this meeting the largest in recent years. I hope everyone enjoyed networking with the companies they currently work with and hopefully taking the opportunity to extend their networks.

Here's a quick recap of the events for those of you that couldn't join (but will hopefully be with us at next year's meeting):

Wednesday started with a competitive golf game and ended with a Poker Run Pub Crawl!

Thursday kicked off our training sessions and presentations with our vendors, along with some "Table Time" making personal connections. We ended the day with a cocktail reception featuring awards and a delicious cake.

Friday began with a few more training sessions and "table time". Before we ended for lunch we gave out 22 cash prizes to all of our members that were present and filled out their "Passports."

2021 Sales Awards



1st: Silver Lining

1st: Z&Z Medical

2nd: Radiation Services of Indiana

2nd: Associated X-Ray

3rd: Z&Z Medical

3rd: Tri-State Medical Imaging

Vendor of The Year: Medlink Imaging

Simon Award: Financial Corp.

Most Improved Member: Radiation Services of Indiana

Pub Crawl Poker Run Winners

1st: Archie & Monica Warren (Silver Lining) / Geoff Reed (Ti-Ba)

2nd: Mike, Ramona, & Marissa Diehl (Advanced Medical Equipment) / Pat Toma (SEKO) / Kevin Zylstra (Financial Corp.)

3rd: Crystal Kellogg (RPS Imaging) / Susan Welter (Summit) / Bobbi Jo Roote (Tetra Recycling)

Additional Meeting Highlights:

  • Essential presentations by all vendors, many attendees reported these presentations were exceptionally thorough and high informative

  • Record breaking attendance

  • Exceptionally perfect weather

  • Vendor booths located next to the meeting room provided ease of interaction and a "built-in audience"

The entire Vision board is so thrilled at the amount of support we received from both members and vendors at this year's National Meeting!

I hope you had fun and look forward to seeing you at the next National Meeting!

Paul Leman


2021 Sales Awards



Radiology Service and Supply Network

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